Collective Memory and Struggle against Martial Law

Is history repeating itself?
The martial law in Mindanao which is implemented on May 23, 2017 has been extended until December 31, 2018 upon the request of President Duterte. Even it wasn’t implemented nationally, it has caused national uproar due to the historical context of martial law in the country. Unfortunately, there are similar events, issues, and concerns on what happened then during martial to what is happening now as seen in the film – Ginoong Maria.
Ginoong Maria is a black comedy inspired by true events. It is a fictional gangster tale and a parody of key figures in the current political arena. Dindo, now a family man, is being recruited back to a syndicate involved in the lucrative business of killing. He is torn between a personal ambition and his loved ones- a wife and a daughter. These imagined characters are set against the background of a more surreal scenario: a world of EJKs, fake news, misogynistic & corrupt leaders and fanatic followers (Film synopsis, UPFI).

The satirical movie depicts the social realities we have now – a climate of impunity, tyrant leaders, and a poor system of governance, which were also apparent during the martial law of the Marcos Regime. I may have not yet lived during those times but using the discussion of collective memory and struggle against martial law during the forum of “Cha-cha ka pa ba?” I can say that history is indeed repeating itself.

Propaganda was created to deny Marcos’ misdeeds and make him appear favorable hence fake news of today. For one, “To save the republic and build a new society” was what Marcos said, but in reality – “it is to remain in power, to eliminate political and economic opponents, and to enable the continuation of US economic and military privileges.” Moreover, Martial law did not only then benefited Marcos but also his cronies which is also seen in the current political arena of the Philippines and in the film per se. In the movie, Dindo is being recruited back to a syndicate by his former boss/colleague which would benefit him, among the other gangsters, with regard to his personal ambition. During martial law, state fascism was apparent and the movie, in its creative way, depicted a similar scenario within the syndicate group which also represents the current real and massive scheme of state fascism today.

Those are only some of the things the movie reflect similar events, issues, and concerns of the past and the present. That is why crafts such as Ginoong Maria, a movie and art, play a vital role in the movement against tyranny and preventing historical revisionism. Arts in the form of motion pictures can be used in this purpose which doesn’t only demonstrate creativity but also resourcefulness in the usage of the available media. The role of the arts cannot also be understated as it serves as a strong force and an instrument to keep what truly transpired in history and prevent any revisions by people with ill intentions. Artists also make use of their work to show their position against the oppressors by producing works that brave and dare the status quo (be it in the form of a movie, performance arts, music, visual crafts and other representations in different media).

All being said, what can I actually do to change things? As an iskolar ng bayan, I can widen my knowledge to potentially change things. I will continually be critical of my environment – the society and my community, and the government and my fellowmen. I will not be brainwashed by anyone whose intentions is to selfishly serve their personal interest especially if it does not go with the common good of the people. Lastly, I am not only iskolar ng bayan but also iskolar para sa bayan hence I will not only serve myself but also the country and my countrymen!


Movie screening + Public Forum, Reaction paper (Prompt:"Cha-cha ka pa ba?" speaker's "discussion of collective memory and struggle against Martial Law", Ginoong Maria film, Role of the arts in the movement against tyranny and preventing historical revisionism, and what can you do as an iskolar ng bayan to change things?)
SOC SCIE 2 (Social, Economic, and Political Thought)
23 September 2018


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