`Damn 2017~


What did 2017 teach you? Has it taught you anything at all? Because for me, it surely has. 2017 taught me greatly and here are the lessons I learned from this year:

~You cannot control everything. 
No matter how badly you want to have control over everything, you just can't. You will never control everything in your life, BUT you can control how you react to it - and that will surely make a big difference. 

~You can only wish good for your friends; it's only they who can wish what's best for them. 
It's their life - their choices, their decision. You cannot dictate how they'll live their life; you can only influence them. 

~You cannot blame others for who you are.
Every action you make and every word you speak reflect on you and you should take responsibility for them. Your shortcomings are your deeds and yours only; it's not right to shift blame. Man up and own your mistakes. 

~You can either KISS or KILL
It is up to you if you will keep it short and simple or keep it long and lengthy. This primarily applies to how you communicate with others and it depends on your aim which one to use. I have experienced the drawbacks and benefits of both. You never actually communicate if the other person doesn't understand what you're trying to say, so either you KISS or you KILL for communication takes place. 

~You cannot change anything if nothing changes
This is common sense: nothing changes if nothing changes. If you want to change something about yourself, you should be willing to step out of your comfort zone. You cannot achieve real change if your idea of change only exists in your mind and you fail to act on it. 

I have learned so much this year but those are the remarkable ones. What did 2017 teach you? 

Take time to reflect on what has happened to you the whole year. Did it make you a better person - or worse? I hope it made you better. 

A new year is about to approach. Will you remain the same person as you were this year? Will you have more courage to do the things you failed to do? Will you give yourself another chance to finally fulfill your goals in life? Well, challenge yourself and let's see how far will you reach in 2018!

Before I end this, I want to thank everyone who became a significant part of my year. I'm lucky to have people I care about actually care about me and to have people whose support I needed the most always support me.

Happy Holidays, stutterers! It has been a pleasant experience sharing my life with you! 


For another year-ender blog - `Damn 2018~


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