Serve Fruits, Be Healthy

Image by silviarita from Pixabay

            Should fresh fruits be sold in school canteens? I think school canteens should introduce fresh fruits to students. Since most school canteens don’t serve any, it is only time to start introducing fruits. Not only because fruits can provide vital nutrients, but are also healthier than junk foods that are prevalent in the counter. Students usually miss the daily recommended fruit intake. Serving fresh fruits will add up to the students’ meal, hence it will help to add more revenue to the school canteen.
            One of the key reasons why fresh fruits should be sold in school canteens is that fruits provide vital nutrients. Vitamins and minerals are only some of the nutrients that we could get from eating fruits. Students need these essentials to help maintain a healthy body condition. It is a fact that fruits are good for our body, and that junk foods are not. We can say that junk foods have become prevalent in most counters, even it is unhealthy. School canteens should not patronize unhealthy foods such as junk foods and stop selling these. School canteens should instead serve healthier foods such as fresh fruits.
            Students usually miss the recommended fruit consumption, that’s why it is a great idea to serve it in our school canteens. Fruits are disregarded by students since it is not always available at home. We tend to forget taking fruits daily since we have to go to the market to buy some, but what if we can’t and we only manage to visit the market every once in awhile? Having our school canteens serve fruits makes it more convenient for us, students. Given the fact that we go to school five days a week, students can consume fruits more frequent than nothing at all. Lastly, serving fruits in school canteens promotes healthy living for students.
            Another reason why school canteens should introduce fruits to students is that it will surely be included in the student’s meal, therefore it will help increase the school canteen revenue. Since fruits will be other goods for the canteen to sell, it will help the canteen to gain more revenue. Serving various fruits means students get more choices to choose from, thus adding more to the cost of their meal. Not only it can add more value to the school canteen, but it can also promote a good and healthy image of the school.
            To sum this up, I strongly believe that serving fresh fruits is just timely for the school canteens to start implementing this idea. I offer you these three reasons: fruits give students essential nutrients that they need, fruits are usually missed by students at home, and adding fruits to the menu benefit both students and school as it adds more value to the  school canteen while it promotes healthy living for students. Hopefully, every school canteen will gain a healthy image once this idea is widely implemented and we can make it happen only if we will share the same vision. As students, we should be united to submit a petition that will serve as our request for the school canteen to serve fresh fruits.

JULY 31, 2016


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