Does Money Make The World Go Round?

“Does money make the world go round?” I suppose one has already thought of the same question. But what is money? How does the world go round? How can money make the world go round? If you were asked the same question, would you agree with me when I answer that money does make the world go round? And if it does, would you disagree with me when I say that money is life?     Money is life itself. You cannot live without it. That’s it; it’s just it. Do you agree? Would you disagree? I suppose you cannot unless you can go live without money in your pockets, in your wallet… unless you can go live without buying food, without purchasing anything for survival… unless you can go live without eating, drinking, studying, wanting, and needing anything. You can disagree with me that money is NOT life; you can only disagree with me if you can live without money AT ALL. But why is that? Have you ever wondered why we cannot live without money? Have you ever asked yourself how does the world go round? Well, it is because of money – that is why the world goes round, that’s what makes the world go round. MONEY.
Money is created for what purpose. Let’s stop for a while, and think. Why does money exist? Why did it ever exist? You see – humans created money until money created humans. How come? Technically, we’re the ones who created money. We have to create something as a form of currency, something that has value or will put value into something. That is why money is created. We needed something for exchange; we had to make something universal yet limited. Li-mi-ted. We created money to set limitations. How paradoxical is that? We, humans, have unlimited needs and wants, yet we created something that limits us to obtain our wants and needs. Well, if that is so, shouldn’t we put the blame on the one who created money? Well, that would only be foolish by now.

Imagine the world without money… I guess we cannot fully imagine what our world would be like if money doesn’t exist since we didn’t live before it didn’t yet exist. But to remind you – our world has lived without money, yet when we set foot in this world – we suddenly cannot live without it. As what I just said – humans created money until money created humans. We are judged by our money: when you have a lot, you’re rich; when you have less, you’re poor; when you have enough, you’re sufficient; when you seek more, you’re economic; when you share less, you’re greedy. We are judged by our money and our capability to acquire it. You see – money started to create humans when our life started to revolve around it. We are born and raised, sent to school, we get to graduate and work – and for what? To earn and gain money to continue living since our parents are getting old to earn and gain money for us. We work for money, we are living for money, and worst we will die for money. Until we become parents ourselves, give life to our children, and make them do what we’ve done since we are getting old to earn and gain money for them. This is what makes the world go round; this is what makes human life predictable – MONEY.

  Let’s go back to the question before I finally end my speech; let’s answer the question before this ends. Does Money Make The World Go Round? The answer is YES. Money does indeed make the world go round. If it doesn’t or didn’t, the world wouldn’t be like this way. It won’t go round as it does today. Why? In an economic perspective – nothing would motivate man anymore because money makes what man a man; he only aims to be rich as if it is the only definition and perspective a man can have. However, if you would ask the same question at a different time – it may have a different answer. Humans lived without money in the earliest times, they survived! But that is not applicable today, we cannot survive without money. (We can only wish we could.)
Ending this, let me give you something to think of – “If money didn’t exist, would you still chase your dreams?”

That would be all.  

September 12, 2017


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