All-time Favorite Movie - Fight Club (1999)
“It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything,” said by Tyler Durden, the antagonist in the film Fight Club. That is one of the remarkable quotes in the film. Although it is a 1999 film, I still happened to watch it and when I did, it became one of my favorites and later became my all-time favorite. The first time I watched it, I was mind blown. It may sound exaggerated, but I actually am. I had an overwhelming feeling and was confused, enlightened, and shocked by the movie itself as I watch it. So why do you need to watch this film? Let me share my personal outlook about the film and offer you these three things: It is not any cliché movies that you watch, it has created controversies when it was released and this would make you wonder why, and it depicts a strong message which cannot be easily understood by the usual audience, but you are not supposed to be ‘usual’, you are supposed to be curious. So challenge yourself to find what the movie wants to convey.
If you’re a cinephile, a film fanatic or movie addict, you would appreciate this movie as it is not cliché. If your genre is drama and something mystery-like, then this movie is for you. Since it doesn’t have an ordinary plot, you could not predict and would not have to make assumptions. Fight Club offers you a different shade of story among the current generations of movies we see today. It is just different and you would want to find out why it is not ordinary yourself. I am a film fanatic and I have watched movies with different genres; I must say, I am really overwhelmed towards the cinematic plot, the portrayal of each character, and the remarkable and meaningful dialogues stated in the movie Fight Club. To prove more what I want to mean, I assure you that this movie will bring you to a different setting and will make you appreciate it.
As what I stated previously, Fight Club is different. Another thing why it has become different is that it is contentious. It has created arguments among people who have watched it. When it was released, it was criticized for its story, portrayal of characters, and the message itself. It has made controversies about the representation of man in the story. Some critique said that it is an accurate portrayal of men in the 1990s; I, on the other hand, also believe that the portrayal of men in the movie still applies to what men are today. Why? I would rather leave you clueless for you to have the curiosity. The message of the movie is crucial, as many loved and hated it in equal measures. According to The Times, upon the film's theatrical release, "It touched a nerve in the male psyche that was debated in newspapers across the world.” Does this statement make you more intrigued? I hope it does.
The movie conveys a strong message, especially in a philosophical and psychological manner. It has displayed a unique concept of a man’s ego and its alter ego. Dialogues such are these: “The things you own end up owning you.” “This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.” “If I didn't say anything, people always assumed the worst.” “If you wake up at a different time in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?” “Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing: like the first monkey shot into space.” “We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need,” have made me think, question, and reason things about life. Some would be confused, enlightened, and shocked like me if they happen to watch this movie. You should watch Fight Club closely so you wouldn’t miss anything, put attention to details as to fully understand the message that would make your mind blow like what it did to me.

August 10, 2016
Creative Nonfiction Writing: What is your all-time favorite movie and why? Write an essay persuading readers to watch this film.
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