A world without Science is like Facebook without friends, YouTube without videos, Twitter with no trends, Instagram with no followers and Google without results. A world without technology is like a song without notes, a phone with no contacts, a movie without a plot, a pen with no ink and a book without writings. Science is the study of everything. Technology is the application of Science. Science helps our daily living. Technology improves our existence.
My classmate once told me, “Imagine a world without Science.” I need to think about it. While I’m imagining, my Mind starts to laugh. “There’s no world without Science,” teased my Mind. Yes, that’s right. Science is a natural matter in this world. Everything in this world is observed and tested through Science. We have to base our life on it. It will help us to learn new things. Science can give us a better way of living. Technology is using Science for the vantage of this world. It is made to help others, to assist lives and to benefit all of us. Technologies can absolutely improve our existence in this world.
Science and Technology can create a better world. These two can build a great foundation. These two can construct better ways in everything. Science and Technology can lead to a futuristic environment as what we’re seeing in the movies, it may be much better. If we consider the present technologies, they can even help us much better not only today but as long as we’re living. Let’s continue to support today’s technologies and let’s give our best efforts in understanding Science.
Can we imagine a world without these two, without knowing science, with no help of any technologies? Can we live every day of our life the way we used to? Can we contact someone a thousand kilometers away from us? Can we fix the engine of our cars? Can we travel across different continents in just hours? Can we understand how the foods we eat are digested? Can we identify different kinds of creatures in this land? Can we determine the impact force of a car that had crashed? Can we recognize the materials and equipment needed to build a house? Can we cook and serve our favorite dishes? Can we fully understand life? Can we survive without Science and Technologies? Can we live?

September 2014
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