Yes, I was UP or nothing. It was the only College Entrance Test (CET) that I took, nothing else. I actually pride myself until post-UPCAT anxiety kicked in. As the time spent waiting for the release of the results, I doubted myself and thought of another plan for college. I searched for Top Film Schools in the country, UP Film Institute (Diliman) topped, then there's College of St. Benilde which is so costly but tempting, and two institutions in Cebu which are actually enticing. I waited, doubted, haven't slept, overthink, got anxious and all. Yes, people would commonly think I'd automatically pass given that I'm the top student in my school. But that wasn't my case. Having blank answers in UPCAT upset me, not being able to finish English and Math subtests worried me, and knowing that I'm not 100% sure in my answers troubled me whether I would make it or not. (THIS IS HOW ANXIOUS I WAS WHILE WAITING FOR THE RESULTS TO COME!)

So here's a proactive tip for passing UPCAT, invest in your education in Junior and Senior High School (JHS-SHS). Have good grades while you're at it because it will matter in your UPG (University Predicted Grade). It is the basis upon which a student may be admitted to the University of the Philippines. Standardized UPCAT scores are combined with the weighted average of the last 3 years of high school final grades to determine the UP admission grade. i.e 40% of your UPG comes from your high school grades (Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11) and 60% comes from the UPCAT itself (if I'm not mistaken). Visit http://upcat.up.edu.ph/ for more info.

I have known too many people who regretted neglecting their high school life and wish to be future isko/iska. But don't worry, if you don't happen to have decent high school grades, you can still excel in UPCAT. Do your best to ace the exam and you'll likely pass it.

In my review center, I was told,
If you have low high school grades ↓, put great effort in preparing for UPCAT ↑↑↑
If you have good high school grades ↑, still exert effort in preparing for UPCAT ↑
because it is not guaranteed. 
I may have good high school grades that's why I passed UPCAT, but qualifying for DILIMAN CAMPUS which happens to have the highest UPG cut-off makes me believe that I did well in the CAT.

For those who are wondering what my campus and course choices are, here's what I input in my application form.

Being disclosed, I know you'd think that was too risky. Placing Diliman and Los Banos campus as my top campus choices (both with high UPG cut-off, first and third respectively UPManila as the second). For those who are going to take UPCAT, people may advise you strategies in filing your application form (about the campus choice and course choice). YOU MAY OR MAY NOT LISTEN TO THEM. It's up to you. But here's my say: CHOOSE THE CAMPUS AND COURSE YOU WANT REGARDLESS OF THE CAMPUS' UPG CUT-OFF. You can be ideal or practical; it's also better to consult with reliable people you know. You'll learn about the quota and nonquota courses. Your parents, relatives or older people may advise you to take a nonquota course so you'll have higher chances to be admitted in UP. But my say is - TAKE WHATEVER COURSE YOU WANT REGARDLESS WHETHER IT'S QUOTA OR NONQUOTA COURSE. Yes, this may be ideal but then again, it is up to you (if you get to have your say in your future because there are students who are controlled by their parents' decision upon them, so you're lucky if you get to choose yourself.)


I chose what I wanted. My father gave me the freedom to choose and take what I want. My mother thinks my dream is so big it scares her. I say, "Mom, if my dream doesn't scare me, it isn't big enough." She didn't expect me to apply for such course as she expected me to take common courses she knew.
I usually had disbelief from people I know, WHY FILM? Honestly, I was undecided when I entered SHS that's why I took GAS (general academic strand), but Senior High School may have served as my turning point.
It's either do what you love or love what you do.
And I chose both. I want to be a filmmaker. It is my passion; it has become my passion when I got exposed to creating media as early as 12 yrs old - I was Grade 7 when I got to direct, write, and edit a short film about drug addiction. Thanks to my school which has given me opportunities to harness my skills and talent.
People usually think I'd take science-related courses - that I'd be an Engineer or a Doctor. Probably because they know I excel in Science and Math, that's why and what people commonly presumed. I have had people getting disappointed because I didn't take STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) in SHS. "Sayang ka!" but to tell you, I don't care about what you think! Thank you for thinking so highly of me but I don't need it nonetheless.

I find it ironic that my forte is Language while I have a speech disorder. Life is crazy indeed! I found my interest in Communication and I'm looking forward to where it will take me.

All the courses I input were genuinely my interest (I also want to be an entrepreneur, work in the media industry, and contribute to our agriculture). I didn't think whether it's quota or nonquota, or whether the campus has high UPG cut-off. I will not strongly advise you to do the same and have the same thinking because we are different people with different INTEREST, CAPABILITY, AND RESOURCES. But I will strongly advise you to consider those three in choosing the course and campus you'd choose and write in your UPCAT application form.
What are your interests? Can your mind and body handle such? Are your resources enough? How about the employability of the course you'll hopefully finish? 
I may be smarter than you and be ideal; you may be smarter than me and be practical. The choice is yours (only if you have that choice because others don't have that privilege).

It's scary; it truly is. Don't think highly of yourself. I am no genius. I have taken review classes in a review center months before UPCAT, but that didn't stop me from exerting effort in studying by myself after that (Review center was April and UPCAT was set in October, the retention ain't easy). I had to study old lessons in high school because I honestly forget things already. I had to stay late some nights to study online, memorize formulas, answer questionnaires, and read lessons. I wanted to study rigorously and prepare intensively for UPCAT but I was also bombarded by my acads in school for it was also too demanding. I wasn't totally prepared for UPCAT, or at least not in a way I wish to be. Maybe that's why I didn't have the feeling of papasa-ako-sa-UPCAT right after I took the test. I doubted myself yet people believed in me and claimed it for me!

There was no pressure. My parents didn't pressure me (even they are both from U.P.). No one pressured me. It's more of internal pressure that baffled me. It was my internal expectations that pressured me. There was no external pressure until people put me on a pedestal - until anxiety bombarded me - and until overthinking created all worst-case scenarios. But hey, I passed! I passed my first course choice in my first campus choice!

Thank you for all the acknowledgments, wishes, and greetings! Thank you for supporting and believing in me! This is for you!

For aspiring UPCAT takers, I wish you the best! Start your preparation as early as now. If you can't afford to avail review classes, then it's more reason to double triple your effort. Remember, your future starts NOW!
Make every day count. Because we tend to regret the things we didn't do over the things we did.
I said to take the course you want regardless of anything, wherever you wish to study (considering your INTEREST, CAPABILITY, and RESOURCES). In taking UPCAT, one of the hardest CETs, you have to study and bring bullets with you. Your mind is your weapon, your knowledge is your bullets. Don't take it for granted especially if you really want it and you're U.P. or nothing too. Unless you're a genius who doesn't need any intensive effort and has extensive knowledge, don't prepare much. Formulas are your bullets, so are the rules of grammar, reading comprehension skills, and intellect in Math, Science, English and Filipino. There are questions given in Filipino so don't ignore practicing your Filipino lessons.
The UPCAT consists of 4 subtests: Language Proficiency, Science, Mathematics and Reading Comprehension.
Search for tips in reviewing and preparing for UPCAT. Ask your seniors to lend you their reviewers and I know they will surely let you borrow what they used. For one, contact me if you want sets of pdf reviewer, I'll send and give you a copy!

Again, THERE'S MORE THAN ONE WAY TO BE ADMITTED IN U.P., passing UPCAT is only one of them. Check their website, ask your isko/iska friends, or visit their office.
I was planning to blog my UPCAT story solely, but I suppose this is it. Some people have been asking for me for tips and advice, so here's to you! 😊😀



They say that the challenge in UPCAT is nothing compared to challenges inside UP. Well, I'm looking forward to meeting those challenges. The best is yet to come! 


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