Serendipity (Anecdote) - Part 1


There are times in our life when things happen unexpectedly that it can create an incredible impact. An event that may be defined as a fortunate phenomenon that may bring us beyond our comfort zone. I have gotten to the point. To the point wherein I entered a different and incredibly new phase of my life. A phase that would affect me in so many great ways that I didn’t imagine myself. 

Serendipity. I didn’t find what I was looking for, instead I have found the improbable. What are the chances of creating a strong bond between three people who happened to have different personalities, peculiar tastes, and uncommon traits? Serendipity. I found them and they found me. 

I didn’t like them. I would never have needed them. Too casual as it may sound, but unlikely to the belief I thought that I would never do and things I thought that I would never wish, it happened; they happened. I usually know people until I meet these two. One that was conceited and was once a failure and one that was bullied and was once, too, a failure. What about these failures? They’re humans, they fail so do I. Meeting these people was like changing my route and yet having the same destination as before. I chose them and somehow I felt, they chose me. And there it goes, we named ourselves the Trio. We obviously named the obvious. But do you want to know where it started? 

It was Valentines of 2015 and there was this annual fair. My classmate, who happened to be my best friend, planned to hang out there that night. We texted and notified the other. Some responded. Some refused because the weather was not favorable. We decided to meet there and not to set another meeting place because it wouldn’t be convenient to waste another fare. Little did I know, I saw my big and arrogant classmate which I had nothing about him. He was with our other classmate who has this enlarged eyes. And I realized that my best friend was not yet around. I had no choice but to go with these two. We were nothing but classmates, casual friends if you may label it. This might be cliché and I could already end it here now, but let me continue anyway. Hours passed and my best friend was nowhere to be found. We constantly tried contacting him. I texted him and this acquaintance of mine tried to call him. He couldn’t be reached no matter how many times we tried. We wanted to enjoy the night. We came to have fun after all. We still waited for his response or any sign of his presence, but we had given up and decided not to bother anymore. We guessed that he bailed us. Later that night, we surely had fun. We had ridden a couple of cheap rides. We tried different kind of foods available there and we felt regret after buying a nasty food. We stayed till the last show of the live band playing on the stage. The weather was still unfavorable by that time. Gladly, we managed to bring our own protection. We still remembered him, but we didn’t see any sign of my best friend’s presence. 

(That’s where and when it all begun. And now I chose that event and decided to write it. I must say, last February 14 was our friendship anniversary. It’s been a year of happiness and sadness with these three, a year of bonding and knowing, and learning and living. We even had a small business which we all have benefited. We influenced each other in both good and bad ways. We were partners in crime, but are “partners” still appropriate for the three of us?)

We had an amazing year would be an understatement. By amazing year means wonderful events, miserable circumstances, and the combination of the two. By wonderful events mean special moments. By miserable circumstances mean sad instances. And by the combination of the two means our ups and downs within the past year. 

After that night at the fair, we had suddenly felt something to one another; a feeling of connection that would bind us together. Maybe it was just me that felt that sensation. Regardless of that, a year of friendship proves something. It was just funny to think that we were classmates for four years and we didn’t really have the chance way back then. I and this big guy were classmates for around ten years. Yes, we have known each other for a very long time yet we didn’t click that much until that night happened. Our vibes were different, I admit. It’s our differences that have enticed ourselves to one another. One’s imperfections are accepted and everyone’s attributes are appreciated. 

I usually get depressed. I am a busy person and was once a workaholic student. Then this happened one night when I got totally depressed again. They both knew; I was sharing my sentiments through our conversation. They knew what my situation was. Then suddenly, I heard someone calling “boss”, a kind of pseudonym they used to call me since I am an authoritarian, outside my house. I wiped my tears before approaching to the person who I heard calling me. At my surprise, I saw the both of them outside, with their casual attire and worried looks. I left the door wide open while I was weeping with joy. I didn’t mind how I looked like and if they were seeing me like that. I behaved like a child who was given a very special surprise. Why did I act like that? First, I was surprised by the notion of seeing them outside my house given that I was at my worst situation. Second, I truly appreciated their presence just to bear with my condition that moment. Lastly, it made me believe in something. It was already late and they even managed to encourage me to start what I was supposed to do. I vented out my emotions about the things that caused my depression and they were just there to listen to my problems, my cynical ideas, and my dramas in life. “These two are for keeps,” I thought.

Serendipity. It is having two fantastic pals that you never thought of having. Spending time with them is a way of knowing them more. It has become our way to know each other well enough to be able to withstand every personality that we have. Knowing these two has imparted me in my personal beliefs. That night where it all begun was the major event of my life so far. I know that being me has already earned a lot of major experiences that had imparted me so much. I might have already experienced enough events that might be major but I really consider the night when it all started as the one that has impacted and implicated me greatly!

January 2016

To continue Serendipity (Anecdote) - Part 2

PHOTO @ UPLB FAIR 2015 (02.14.15)
The night where it all started! #Trio

This was Valentine of 2015 and was also taken while we were riding the horror train. The picture quality obviously wasn't that clear; we could barely see our faces, it somehow became a silhouette. This is where and when it all begun. That night when we just enjoyed and didn’t expect that we would be this too close to one another that we treated each other more than just a classmate, more than just the best of friends, but as a member of a family.

You are my brothers that I never had, not that I don’t have any. How come that it is already a year of friendship? A year full of food trips, field trips, and home trips. A year packed of bonding, pampering, treating. A year filled with special moments, miserable times, and secret crimes.

It may take a lifetime to know you both fully, but it only took a year for me to somehow understand the meaning of friendship. You have seen me at my best and you have taken me at my worst. As you were there at my worst, it is just right that you deserve to be at my best.

Thank you! You are some of the people I would take a bullet for.
Happy Anniversary! There’s a long and scary journey ahead of us and we will take that journey no matter how long and scary it is. I won’t say that “I hope we will last” because I am sure enough to know that we will… last.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! How we started is one of the Ironies of Life.
PS. Marami pa tayong mga pangarap na sabay-sabay tutuparin!
PPS. Kahit anong maging resulta, proud parin ako sa inyong dalawa. You were the first students I had that proved my effectiveness, far.
PPPS. If you wish for it; work for it! You always know that all i want is the best for you. 
- 02.14.16


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